Sunday, December 6, 2009

Making Leftovers: Fried Tacos with Mole Negro

Here is a simple way to make use of some good leftovers. A few days after I made pork loin and mole negro, I still had quite a bit of mole left over. What to do with it? Why not try something interesting, such as beef tacos with mole? Hmm . . . might as well give it a try.

This recipe is simple. First, take a protein of your choosing and cook it 90% or so. Then add as much mole as you'd like to the protein (potatoes would work well for this too). Stir in the mole, then add the meat and mole mixture to a taco shell (I prefer corn, but flour works too). Once the tacos are stuffed, seal the taco top together with a toothpick—this will keep the tacos together when fried. Once stuffed, heat some canola or other oil in a pan, and fry tacos until golden. Serve with toppings of your choosing. It's that easy . . . delicious tacos, using leftovers, and very inexpensive.

I chose to use ground beef, and made half of my tacos with mole, and half without. Both were delicious, especially with fresh guacamole, grilled onions, and heirloom tomatoes. Santé.

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